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What could be more fun then two of your favorite games rolled into one!
Pokzee is poker and yahtzee combined to make a unique game to play with your friends for hours of fun.
Minimum 2 Players

You will need bot points to play pokzee.  Before you start check to see that you have the points needed to play,  we recommend at least 200 bot points to start. 

You can make quick bot points by playing other games such as 21,  WordScramble,  WordGuess,  Saymoji and Qtime/Trivia.

  To start the game type   start pokzee

    To join the game type    pokzee    There is a 50 bot point ante to play.   Note:  If you started the game you will still need to join in order to play.
The object of the game is to match your number against the dice to make the best hand possible.

Once the game has started  3  dice will appear in the room and each player will be assigned a number 1 thru 6,  which will show you your log .
Each player in turn will be given the opportunity to either raise,  match,  check or fold,  to start the betting round.
Once all betting is done and the round is finished another dice will appear,  and another round of betting will begin,  and so on.
Five (5) dice in all will be shown in the room and in the end the player with the highest hand will win the amount displayed on the tally board.

Raise means that you are increasing the size of an existing bet in the same betting round.
Match means that you are matching the previous bet without raising.
Check means if no one has started the betting round a player may check,  which is the equivalent to betting zero.
Fold means that you are discarding your hand and forfeit interest in the current pot.