
How to play

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In trivia, the bot will ask a multiple choice question with 4 possible answers.

Can you answer correctly?


Starting the game

To start a game of trivia, simply type  qtime  into the chat.  All users in the palace are automatically joined in and therefore able to answer the question that is asked by the bot.

Taking your first turn

Once the bot has asked the question, the 4 possible answers will appear on screen. (You can also see the question and answers in the chat log). 

Next to each possible answer is a letter representing that answer namely  a, b, c, or d. 

You may only answer  once, so be sure to read the question and possible answers carefully. 

Solving the puzzle

Next to each possible answer is a letter representing that answer namely a, b, c, or d. Typing  one of these letters into the chat enters your guess.

You may only answer once, so be sure to read the question and answers carefully. 

The first person to answer correctly will be awarded a  predetermined amount of points.